It all started with Bob & Betty many years ago bringing their little family to the beach once a year for a week. The cleveland family has now been going for years and have not missed a year. We look forward to this every year, and had a wonderful time. Can't wait until next year.
Nicole Madsen took some family pictures for us down at the beach. She did a great job!
Thanks Kip & Steve for always making sure that the family is taken care of. We appreciate all you do for us! You are amazing parents and grandparents!
So, I am going back to Romania the last week in October! Jed and I are going to spend about a week there with the foundation kids. We are sooooooo excited! I'm trying to raise some money for the kids that Rebecca is taking care of, so if you wanna help out, check out my blog!
Let me know if you have any messages or anything for me to give the boys. Not sure who we'll be able to track down, but we're sure to see some of them!
I Know this is a huge shot in the dark, but I went to school (at UVSC) with Alyssa. We lived in the courtside apartments together. I think she got married in 2001, to Daniel Madsen. The last I knew they lived in Orem, and they were having a baby. I am trying to get in touch with her. I wondered if she had a facebook page or an email or even if this is the right Alyssa. my email is my maiden name was sessions. Thanks so much Kristin
Thanksgiving has come and gone, and so has my family. We were so blessed to be able to have them come out from Utah to join us (even if it was for 3 short days). We had so much fun just being together and hanging out. Steve made the turkey which was really impressive and the rest of us all pitched in to make the meal a delight. Bette's yams are always one of the favorites of the meal.We also got more aquainted with the WII, especially Sky's g-pa. He was so fun to watch at tennis.. We did miss Kip & Katie who were in Utah and my bro. Robby (who is now devoting his life to delivering christmas packages for Fed Ex..who knows he may just drop something by at your house! I love the holidays and I am so grateful to be able to share it with those I love most!
Cooking, and Cleaning can wait till tomorrow
because babies grow up we've learned to our sorrow
so buckle down cobwebbs, dust go to sleep,
I'm rocking my baby cause babies don't keep!
-my mom told me this poem and I thought it was a perfect motto for me right at this time in my life. I want to enjoy every moment with my two little girls so, if it means sitting in recliner for hours at a time rocking, feeding, reading books, and singing to my girls my day has been a success (even if my hair never gets brushed, dinner doesn't get on the table, and the house is a mess-sorry skyler)
wow, it's about time!!! I am so happy to see what you are up to. You and the family look great!
Angie!!!! Long time no see!
So, I am going back to Romania the last week in October! Jed and I are going to spend about a week there with the foundation kids. We are sooooooo excited! I'm trying to raise some money for the kids that Rebecca is taking care of, so if you wanna help out, check out my blog!
Let me know if you have any messages or anything for me to give the boys. Not sure who we'll be able to track down, but we're sure to see some of them!
Te iubesc!!!
I love the pictures, you guys are such a beautiful family! Love the family pictures too, gorgeous! Miss you Ang!
I Know this is a huge shot in the dark, but I went to school (at UVSC) with Alyssa. We lived in the courtside apartments together. I think she got married in 2001, to Daniel Madsen. The last I knew they lived in Orem, and they were having a baby. I am trying to get in touch with her. I wondered if she had a facebook page or an email or even if this is the right Alyssa. my email is my maiden name was sessions. Thanks so much Kristin
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