I know we are in the month of November, but I am trying to play catch up here! These are some cute shots I got of Kaylee as she became "one with the dirt". I have never seen such a little girl love dirt as much as her.
Angie, I have been wanting to get in contact with you a lot over the past couple of years. I am so excited for you that you have another sweet baby girl in your family. She is so cute. Daniel and I have been trying to have another, but the Lord seems to have other plans. We are in the process of adopting and we are hoping anyday to get the call that our birthmom is in labor. Anyway I am just so excited that I found your blog and that everything is going well for you and your cute family. I hope to hear from you soon. My blog address is: madsendal@blogspot.com *Alyssa
Angie! You have the cutest family ever! Im trying to figure out this blogging thing so I added you to my site. Ours is kurtisandaubrey.blogspot.com. Hope all is going well. It was so good to see you at Lindsay's wedding!
Thanksgiving has come and gone, and so has my family. We were so blessed to be able to have them come out from Utah to join us (even if it was for 3 short days). We had so much fun just being together and hanging out. Steve made the turkey which was really impressive and the rest of us all pitched in to make the meal a delight. Bette's yams are always one of the favorites of the meal.We also got more aquainted with the WII, especially Sky's g-pa. He was so fun to watch at tennis.. We did miss Kip & Katie who were in Utah and my bro. Robby (who is now devoting his life to delivering christmas packages for Fed Ex..who knows he may just drop something by at your house! I love the holidays and I am so grateful to be able to share it with those I love most!
Cooking, and Cleaning can wait till tomorrow
because babies grow up we've learned to our sorrow
so buckle down cobwebbs, dust go to sleep,
I'm rocking my baby cause babies don't keep!
-my mom told me this poem and I thought it was a perfect motto for me right at this time in my life. I want to enjoy every moment with my two little girls so, if it means sitting in recliner for hours at a time rocking, feeding, reading books, and singing to my girls my day has been a success (even if my hair never gets brushed, dinner doesn't get on the table, and the house is a mess-sorry skyler)
I have been wanting to get in contact with you a lot over the past couple of years. I am so excited for you that you have another sweet baby girl in your family. She is so cute. Daniel and I have been trying to have another, but the Lord seems to have other plans. We are in the process of adopting and we are hoping anyday to get the call that our birthmom is in labor. Anyway I am just so excited that I found your blog and that everything is going well for you and your cute family. I hope to hear from you soon. My blog address is: madsendal@blogspot.com
Your kids are so cute!! I went private so email me so I can add you and send you an invite to my blog iliana_echeverria@yahoo.com
Angie! You have the cutest family ever! Im trying to figure out this blogging thing so I added you to my site. Ours is kurtisandaubrey.blogspot.com. Hope all is going well. It was so good to see you at Lindsay's wedding!
Ange, these are the cutest pictures. Glad you posted them even though I am putting up Christmas stuff now. Wow, I am early this year.
Angie, you just helped me make my new years resolution for 2009... fit into my HS Cheer uniform! Honestly that is AMa-ZA-ZING. You are such a stinker!
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