For Kaylee's first birthday cake, Grandma Kip made her yummy homemade chocolate ice cream swirl cake. It is to die for...

For a snack/centerpiece I made this rice krispy flower pot. It was so much fun to make. I used colored chewy mentos as the centers, and green long sour gummies as the leafs. It turned out really cute. One suggestion if you make this make sure you make the flowers really thick so they will stay on the skewers, some of mine were too thin and slid right off!

I made this little poster for Mae Mae the girl above reminded me of Kaylee and the girl underneath reminded me of Mckenzie.

I also did a little combo glass candy jar with colored candies. And I labeled my drink which was limeaide mixed with sprite, so people knew what they were drinking, plus it's a cute way to decorate.

What turned into a small little project turned into a bigger project. I started off making her a normal sign and then I got idea upon idea and I crafted and crafted until this came out! I love it so much I am going to laminate them so I can use this banner again. Since I spent so much time on it. I guess I was needing to fill a crafty void at the moment!