The Love of Our Life.....Mckenzie Jane

Well it has been a few months since I have blogged. Let me fill you in..... We are having a baby girl Kaylee Mae towards the end of May, so I am getting bigger by the minute. I am working a few days a week @ the Surgery Center scrubbing in on the surgeries. I love every minute of it. We are headed towards the end of basketball season, but this week is the WAC tournament for Fresno State, so Good Luck Bulldogs. This weekend we are going to the Indian Wells Tennis Tournament in Palm Springs to see the pros play. It should be really fun and great weather. Mckenzie is keeping us busier than ever, but we love her more than anything in the world. If only we could get her potty trained. Well that is just a little update to let everyone know we are still alive and doing well. I will post more pictures later...

This is a recent photo of what I look like pregnant, yes I know it's scary but I only have a few months left. Skyler still looks the same even though he claims he is gaining some baby weight with me..