Faith HIll & Tim Mcgraw need I say more.... As you can see we probably had the best seats in the full house. It was crazy. The opening song, Faith Hill came up under neath the ground onto the stage as she was singing staring right at us, it was unbelieveable. We also got to touch hands with Faith TWICE, and Time TWICE because we were seating so close, I know don't hate me!!! We were acting like little school girls when we would touch one of them because we got so excited we would just FREAK out, even Skyler was freaking out! It was a night I will never forget. Their songs were amazing. It was 3 hours of full blown songs from the two of them. They sang so many great songs it's hard to name my favorite.. It was a dream come true as cheesy as that may sound!

Look @ how close we were to her, we could have had a conversation, if she would have wanted too!

Me, Cascia, & Kristy....(Skyler was there he took the picture, and I was so mad because out camera ran out of batteries right after that)